Rules to keep you on your diet when dining out

Couple eating dessert in fancy restaurant

So you’re trying to eat healthier and you’ve been doing a great job when you’re making meals at home. But eating out is a little trickier and definitely full of more temptation. So here are some rules for restaurant dining that’ll help you stick to your weight loss goals.

Eat like you normally would - Don’t skip eating during the day so you can “save up” your calories for dinner. Registered dietitian Wendy Bazilian says when you go into a meal famished, foods you wouldn’t otherwise be tempted by become way more appealing.

Do some menu investigating - Pay attention to the descriptions of the way the food is prepared and look for words that indicate lighter dishes, like baked, broiled, grilled, and steamed. Avoid less healthy foods that are fried, crusted, or stuffed.

Aim for a balanced plate - Bazilian says your meal should include a mix of non-starchy veggies, lean protein, complex carbs, and healthy fat - whether you’re eating at home or in a restaurant. This combination of nutrients slow digestion so you’ll feel full longer.

Don’t be afraid to ask for modifications - It’s okay to ask your server if the kitchen can tweak a dish for you to make it healthier. Most of the time they’re happy to accommodate.

Be choosy - You don’t have to say no to wine, bread, and dessert, but Bazilian suggests choosing one thing to treat yourself with and savoring that instead of having them all.

Be portion-smart - The size of your meal matters as much as the ingredients. And restaurants are known for giving out mega-size portions, so keep that in mind and don’t feel like you have to finish everything on your plate. You can even ask your server to box up half of your meal before you start eating, just to be sure you don’t overdo it.

Source: Women’s Health Magazine

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