Demi Lovato Was Using Drugs While Promoting Sober Living In 2012

Despite promoting a “sober lifestyle” in 2012, Demi Lovato was still using drugs, she reveals in her new documentary. “I wasn’t working my program, I wasn’t ready to get sober,” Lovato, now 25, explained in Demi Lovato: Simply Complicated. “I was sneaking [cocaine] on planes, I was sneaking it in bathrooms, sneaking it throughout the night … I went on a bender of like, two months where I was using daily.” Her manager eventually demanded she destroy her cell phone, which contained contact info for drug dealers. He wasn’t satisfied with her simply smashing it, and her team ordered her to drop it in water while they watched. “It’s embarrassing to look back on the person that I was,” Lovato said. “I think that approach worked for me because … it was the beginning of the process of surrendering.”

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